If you build it, they will come
The mug incident My family is a loyal one and they make sure that, wherever I work they become vested customers and I love them for it. Having said that, it also means they share their most valuable first-hand customer experience with me. When they opened an account with the company I used to work […]
Be like a yoghurt!
Yoghurts have a live and active culture and promote health. You can have that too. But how do you know if your company has a healthy culture that is resilient and lively that would promote longevity for all in it? Here is how to be a ’YOGHURT’ in your corporate culture: 1. Yes, you do have […]
Curiosity killed the cat-what would it do to you?
When was the last time you were really curious about something? When it bubbled up with such force from within that made you take action. Ok, apart from when you went for a search of your Christmas present. How and when do we lose the willingness to search for wonders or just answers? About a […]
Flaunt that sexy Agile!
A few years back, on my first visit to Paris I came across a pretty little number in one of the shops. It was a Chanel (style) jacket. I fell in love with it instantly and thought it would be a lovely addition to my wardrobe. The jacket had a beautiful off-white colour, flattering cut […]
Great (non-gender specific) balls of fire!
Do you have them? Hand to heart – or little down the south, rather. Do you? Courage, guts, bravery, openness, boldness, being straight-forward -are these traits that describe you? Moreover, do you take these with you to work every day? And if you do how do your peers, colleagues, bosses react to it? Are you […]
Who keeps me up at night?!
“And I am just going to insert this needle into your scalp and you will have no problem with falling asleep” -said my acupuncture doctor after she listened to me complaining about my recent experience of being up all night for the past couple of days. After the treatment we agreed that I will report […]
Size doesn’t matter – they say. It is not what you have, it is the way you use it – we have heard that one too. Yet, you are concerned. After all, it is your most valuable asset. What is the ideal size? Is it big enough? Surely there is no such thing as too […]
Generation Why?
It is official! I’ve had enough! This is the last time I am discussing this topic. It seems to take the piss out of many of my friends and colleagues in the past few weeks who had sent me the „Simon Sinek” video that went viral on the internet. They all know that I am […]
He has been sitting there, slumped in his chair, gazing into the distance, slowly quieting down after being totally psyched out. A CEO of an up and coming start-up just explained why he was not the ideal applicant for the HR position at the company: “You see, you are way too experienced, seasoned*. We mostly […]