"Enough is enough!"

My book on burnout "Enough is enough!" was published in September, 2021. It is available in Hungarian only at the moment. ENGLISH VERSION COMING in May, 2024! Stay tuned!


My new book Csúcsragadozók - Tabuk és kamuk nélkül a vezetésről was published in September 2023. It provides a candid view on what it really takes to be a leader - with warts and all. It was listed on FORBES 50 best leadership books of 2024.
It will be available in English soon.


I publish articles on LinkedIn every Wednesday. Most of them are in Hungarian. However there are quite a few in English such as these. Just click on “Read post” and enjoy!

Be like a yoghurt!

Yoghurts have a live and active culture and promote health. You can have that too. But how do you know if your company has a

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Generation Why?

It is official! I’ve had enough! This is the last time I am discussing this topic. It seems to take the piss out of many

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He has been sitting there, slumped in his chair, gazing into the distance, slowly quieting down after being totally psyched out. A CEO of an

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